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Our one-one-one consulting service provides support for business process reviews, employee contracts, problem resolution and Fairwork Australia compliancy.
Is your business compliant?


The Australian Government introduced a new national workplace relations system in 2009 when the Fair Work Act became effective.  All employers and employees are now covered by this scheme and the provisions of the National Employment Standards (NES).   As part of this scheme,  previous State Awards are being replaced by Modern Awards that cover all of Australia.  Between 2010 and 2014 businesses are to transition to be fully compliant with the Modern Awards and Fair Work Australia Act.  Newpay Payroll are able to advise you on your industry’s requirements and ensure you meet all your obligations to avoid penalties and costly disputes with the Fair Work Ombudsman.


Develop Human Relations management systems that empower your workplace.


Effective human resource management enables you and your staff to become more efficient and productive, allowing you to focus on your business’s core goals. Newpay Payroll’s Consulting Services can review or establish your HR processes, and facilitate office health and safety training and employee problem resolution meetings.

A written employment contract is good business practice, as it provides clarity and protection for both employers and employees.

Many small to medium enterprises still engage employees without a written contract and more often than not, this leads to employer dissatisfaction or costly industrial relation disputes.  Newpay Payroll can help establish (or review your current)  employment contracts and job descriptions, to ensure that they are meeting the adequate provisions of the NES and relevant Modern Award.


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